Ingest building data from any spreadsheet or PDF
I designed workflows and systems to ingest millions of data points across many parallel human & AI workers, plus most associated UIs.
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A huge part of the Archipelago magic was standardizing & enhancing customers’ data. This was all powered by a suite of internal tools that enabled ingesting data from all manner of customer Excel spreadsheets, and then enhancing and correcting that data with evidentiary documents like engineering reports.
Project brief: Design & continually improve a system for ingesting customer data. This system needed to handle arbitrarily-formatted spreadsheets for initial ingest, then be able to supplement with any reports the customer had. This system needed to support all existing customers updating their data, plus all new customers coming via sales.
My role: I was the lead designer on this pillar of the company. I designed workflows and systems that could ingest millions of data points across many parallel human & AI workers, plus most associated UIs. I worked very closely with engineering to work within technical constraints, and with our internal data team to identify their needs & easy wins.
Outcome: We built a system with two major motions (spreadsheet ingest & document-based enhancement) that could successfully ingest hundreds of thousands of data points each month.
This allowed the same number of workers to handle increasing amounts of customers data, maintaining response times even with a growing customer base.
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